31 October 2006
29 October 2006
SWH: Week 6 (thirty)

The Shining (fake trailer)
The Simpsons: "Treehouse of Horror 05-1: The Shinning" (1994)
Tales from the Crypt: "Dead Wait" (1991)
Guinan, no! (7/10)
d. Tobe Hooper
Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare (1987)
The Intercessor vs. Beelzebub was the awesomest thing I've seen in a very long time. (8/10)
d. John Fasano
Igor and the Lunatics (trailer)
Bride of Frankenstein (trailer)
Looney Tunes: "Water, Water Every Hare" (1952)
Masters of Horror: "Sick Girl" (2005)
Kind of a lesbian version of The Fly, but fun and better than May. (7/10)
d. Lucky McKee
Chopper Chicks in Zombietown (trailer)
Zombi 3 (trailer)
Happy Tree Friends: "Remains to be Seen" (2004)
Zombi 2 (1979)
It's hard not to appreciate a flick that has a zombie wrestling a shark. (7/10)
d. Lucio Fulci
Watched with C and chowed on some Pizza House. By the time Zombi 2 arrived, he was out for the count. I made sure to clap my hands really loudly so that he woke up to see the shark and eyeball scenes. Employed the inflatable pumpkin cooler for the first time, which held beer and Dr Pepper quite nicely. Sweet Halloween cuppin' cakes were also enjoyed:
27 October 2006
SWH: Week 6 (twenty-nine)

The interior monologue was a little hard to take seriously. (7/10)
d. Stephen Hopkins
Tales from the Crypt: "Top Billing" (1991)
John Astin ensures this is a lot of fun. (7/10)
d. Todd Holland
Zombie: Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Same zombie goodness in a slightly different edit, though I'm not a fan of the new music. (8/10)
d. George A. Romero
[watched whilst wearing a DotD T-shirt, dork that I am.]
26 October 2006
SWH: Week 6 (twenty-eight)

The Fans of Halloween (2003)
Halloween 9 Contest Drawing (2003)
Halloween: Michael Myers Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Halloween: Director of Photography Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Halloween: Producer Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Viscious Disorder: "Pure Evil" (2003)
Halloween Interviews (2003)
Halloween: 25 Years of Terror (2006)
Especially amazing that it was put together by fans, this covers the good and bad of the eight movies and the franchise quite well. (7/10)
d. Stefan Hutchinson
SWH: Week 6 (twenty-seven)

All you need to know: a rapper-actor zaps Mike in the sack with a live wire. (4/10)
d. Rick Rosenthal
Halloween: Resurrection: WebCam Special (2002)
The lipstick cam idea was interesting; too bad about the awful script. (5/10)
d. Rick Rosenthal
Deleted Scenes (2002)
Alternate Endings (2002)
Storyboard Comparisons (2002)
Tour of Set with Production Designer (2002)
On the Set with Jamie Lee Curtis (2002)
Head Cam Featurette (2002)
25 October 2006
SWH: Week 5 (twenty-six)

This would've been a great place to let Mike simply R.I.P. (7/10)
d. Steve Miner
Halloween H20: Unmasking the Horror (1998)
Half of this documentary is just effusive praising of the original (5/10)
d. ??
Creed: "What's This Life For" (1998)
23 October 2006
SWH: Week 5 (twenty-five)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (7/10)
d. Joel Hodgson & Larry Buchanan
Masters of Horror: "Deer Woman" (2005)
Wretched writing with terrible acting except for Benben, but I like everything about the Deer Woman herself. (5/10)
d. John Landis
[I feel guilty about owning this (for my MoH collection only) and An American Werewolf in London. I'm glad I'm not a Blues Brothers or Animal House fan so I'm not tempted to sully my DVD shelves with any more of this guy's stuff. I've read this. Still need to read this.]
The Munsters: "Come Back, Little Googie" (1965)
Mumy's a monkey! (6/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
The Munsters: "Far Out Munsters" (1965)
The Munsters hang with a bunch of beatniks and hippies and Lily proves she has quite a set of pipes. (8/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
The Munsters: "Munsters on the Move" (1965)
The Munsters tackle the lingering hurt from the eminent domain-fueled construction of the expressway system in their own way. (6/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
22 October 2006
SWH: Week 5 (twenty-four)

If it's not mannequin lady trouble, it's nutso love-potion-poisioned lady trouble for poor Andrew McCarthy. (7/10)
d. Tom Mankiewicz
Tales from the Crypt: "Carrion Death" (1991)
A great one-and-a-half man show, if you ignore the fact that he carried a corpse for 6 miles before figuring out that he could cut off its hand. (7/10)
d. Steven E. de Souza
Tales from the Crypt: "The Trap" (1991)
Getting a guy convicted for killing himself for his own insurance money is classic. (8/10)
d. Michael J. Fox
21 October 2006
SWH: Week 5 (twenty-three)

Ah, Herman, why the racist Asian charicature? (5/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
Tales from the Crypt: "My Brother's Keeper" (1990)
Not as crazy or as funny as it could've been. (5/10)
d. Peter S. Seaman
Tales from the Crypt: "The Secret" (1990)
Even in 1990, day-for-night shots looked like hell. (6/10)
d. Michael Riva
Tales from the Crypt: Season II Shockumentary (2005)
Much more informative than last season's featurette. (6/10)
d. Eric Matthies
The Munsters: "Love Locked Out" (1965)
It really doesn't take much to piss Lily off lately. (6/10)
d. Charles T. Barton
[Watched 100 miles north of homebase at Mom's house]
SWH: Week 5 (twenty-two)

Man with the Screaming Brain (trailer)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: "Broodwich" (2003)
Dust Devil: Final Cut (1992)
As if Argento and Leone met and had a bastard child. (7/10)
d. Richard Stanley
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (trailer)
Sexy Adventures of Van Helsing (trailer)
The Simpsons: "Treehouse of Horror 04-3: Bart Simpson's Dracula" (1993)
Masters of Horror: "Chocolate" (2005)
Some nice bits, but overall too goofy for my tastes. (6/10)
d. Mick Garris
Tales from the Crypt: "Television Terror" (1990)
One of a long line of trash TV host parodies. (6/10)
d. Charles Picerni
Gave Jones Soda Candy Corn a try this week. It was every bit as unimbibable as I remembered. Pop is pretty much carbonated corn syrup in the first place. Candy corn is solidified corn syrup. Mix the two together and you've got Jones' special teeth-rot concoction #9. Strangely, I found it more drinkable if I first ate some leftover Good & Plenty.
Watched with C again. He began to doze even as the first movie rolled. I again had to explain that, while he was asleep, the Dust Devil arrived in a UFO with a bumper sticker on the back reading "I'd rather be in Wolf Creek."
The Dead Boys guard the DVD collection:
17 October 2006
SWH: Week 4 (twenty-one)

It starts off as an OK slasher, but devolves into an awful, awful mess by the end credits. (5/10)
d. Joe Chappelle
Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers: Producer's Cut (1995)
The story makes much more sense and the music is far better, but the Thorn motivation for Mike is still not what I prefer. (6/10)
d. Joe Chappelle
Behind the Scenes: Special Effects (1995)
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Promotional Featurette (1995)
Entertainment Tonight: Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
SWH: Week 4 (twenty)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (7/10)
d. Kevin Murphy & Bert I. Gordon
The Munsters: "Dance With Me, Herman" (1965)
Did Don Rickles ever look young? (7/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
15 October 2006
SWH: Week 4 (nineteen)

Frailty (trailer)
The Devil's Ball (1934)
Near Dark (1987)
Excellent acting, music, story and action meet to create my favorite vampire movie. (9/10)
d. Kathryn Bigelow
Masters of Horror: "Incident On and Off a Mountain Road" (2005)
This is the Lansdale I know, though I didn't know Coscarelli had this much slasher in him. (8/10)
d. Don Coscarelli
Parts of the Family (trailer)
Werewolves on Wheels (trailer)
The Simpsons: "Treehouse of Horror 07-3: Citizen Kang" (1996)
Wolf Creek (2004)
Been there in 1974, done that in Texas. (6/10)
d. Greg McLean
Inhumanoids: "Cult of Darkness" (1986)
Musings on teen bullying, peer pressure, cults, and the ethics of zombie dating make for a deep show. (8/10)
d. Ray Lee
Gave Jones Soda Berried Alive a try this week. An unsophisticated version of Faygo Red Pop, but of a vaguely blueberry persuasion. Again, not bad. I seem to remember being sickened a lot more by last year's flavors. Then again, I haven't gotten to Candy Corn yet.
Watched the movies with C. He fell asleep in the middle of Wolf Creek and only woke up when the screaming started. Afterwards, he wanted to know what happened prior to all of the noise. I explained that a giant UFO came out of the sky, scooped everyone up and beamed them onto the crazy guy's property.
Mr. Boo guards the hallway, as he is wont:
13 October 2006
SWH: Week 4 (eighteen)

Fake Jason doesn't bother me, I love the goofy characters, but the censored gore is annoying. (6/10)
d. Danny Steinmann
[movie number 600]
The Munsters: "Don't Bank on Herman" (1965)
Herman walks off with the modern equivalent of $109,000. (7/10)
d. Ezra Stone
Inhumanoids: "The Surma Plan" (1986)
You know it's messed up when even D. Compose gets freaked out over one of his zombies. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Tales from the Crypt: "Mute Witness to Murder" (1990)
Mostly crap, except for the good Richard Thomas performance. (5/10)
d. Jim Simpson
SWH: Week 4 (seventeen)

Not exactly flattering to NASA with the goofy scientists trying to send bats into space and all. (6/10)
d. Jerry Paris
Inhumanoids: "Cypheroid" (1986)
The schizophrenic nature of this era's cartoons never fails to dizzy. (6/10)
d. Ray Lee
12 October 2006
SWH: Week 4 (sixteen)

Showing Mike crying makes this movie deserve a much lower rating, but I'm a sucker for slasher scenes set at farms. (6/10)
d. Dominique Othenin-Girard
Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers: On-Set Footage (1989)
Halloween: Ellie Cornell Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Halloween 4 & 5 Cast Panel at the H25 Convention (2003)
Inside Halloween 5 (2000)
Some good bits, but the 2003 cast panels were better. (6/10)
d. Mark Cerulli
The Munsters: "Eddie's Nickname" (1965)
I wonder if soup would dissolve my beard too? (7/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
11 October 2006
SWH: Week 3 (fifteen)

Solid slasher sequel, though I can't help but think that Myers looks a lot like Lt. Commander Data. (7/10)
d. Dwight H. Little
Halloween 4: Final Cut (2001)
Probably about the best you can hope for in a documentary about a third sequel. (6/10)
d. Mark Cerulli
I started the night watching Spike TV's Scream Awards 2006. "Unlike the boring Oscars, it has movies I've actually seen," I thought to myself. Indeed, the award for "Most Memorable Mutilation" was impressive, given that Spike didn't censor the gore at all. On the other hand, it's a frigging awards show: dumbasses reading idiotic lines from teleprompters and other dumbasses thanking the people/deities who made their award possible. I shut it off after the crappy band came on. I miss the Horror Hall of Fame.
09 October 2006
SWH: Week 3 (fourteen)

Decent acting, but unnecessary. (6/10)
d. Scott Devine & Constantine Nasr
Special Report: We Interrupt This Program! (2004)
You have the zombie plague spreading in the middle of Lake Huron, you morons. (5/10)
d. Scott Devine & Constantine Nasr
Mystery Science Theater 3000: "The Indestructible Man" (1992)
[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (6/10)
d. Jim Mallon & B. Reeves Eason & Joseph Kane & Jack Pollexfen
The Munsters: "All Star Munster" (1965)
Frankenstein playing basketball and the most offense redneck stereotypes you've ever seen. (7/10)
d. Earl Bellamy
The Munsters: "If a Martian Answers, Hang Up" (1965)
It would make sense that Dracula thinks it's his patriotic duty to report UFO sightings to the government. (7/10)
d. Norman Abbott
08 October 2006
SWH: Week 3 (thirteen)

I'm a sucker for a horror tale from the carnival. (8/10)
d. Kevin Yagher
Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead (trailer)
The Return of the Living Dead (trailer)
Simpsons, The: "Treehouse of Horror 07-2: The Genesis Tub"
Dagon (2001)
I want to live forever in the sea with a tentacle-mermaid. (9/10)
d. Stuart Gordon
Masters of Horror: "Dreams in the Witch-House" (2005)
A really evil witch, irrational spaces beyond walls and a Dagon reunion make for good watchin'. (8/10)
d. Stuart Gordon
Mangiati Vivi (trailer)
The Birds (trailer)
They Live: "Cheese Dip"
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
Could've stood alone without coat-tailing on Romero's good name and I still think super-speed zombies look ridiculous. (7/10)
d. Zack Snyder
Bloodsucking Freaks (trailer)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (trailer)
Looney Tunes: "Broom-Stick Bunny"
Tonight's proceedings were joined by C and partially by Mrs. K. Neither of them, to my disappointment, appreciated the excellence of Dagon as I do.
I tried the Jones Soda Monster Mojito Soda this week. Having never tried the apparently popular alcoholic drink by that name -- such fruit-flavored concoctions remind me of college-era vomiting -- I don't know how it compares. I will say, like the Lemon Drop Dead soda, it tastes like (non-existent) lime-flavored Pez. C decided to give Candy Corn a try. He repeatedly, sarcastically admired its candy-cornish flavor throughout the final movie. After he left, I discovered more than half of it still in the small 8 oz can. When I dumped it down the sink, it was a disturbing, nearly-neon chartreuse yellow. I imagine his innards are permanently dyed that color now.
Here's the famous Six Weeks of Halloween candy drawer:
06 October 2006
SWH: Week 3 (twelve)

Imagine, a 137-year-old woman robbing the cradle and marrying a 114-year-old Frankenstein. (7/10)
d. Joseph Pevney
Tales from the Crypt: "Korman's Kalamity" (1990)
Uninspired romantic comedy with a half-assed handful of monsters thrown in. (4/10)
d. Rowdy Herrington
The Munsters: "Grandpa's Call of the Wild" (1965)
Nice to see the family shoot on location for a change. (7/10)
d. Earl Bellamy
05 October 2006
SWH: Week 3 (eleven)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (7/10)
d. Jim Mallon & Ray Kellogg
The Munsters: "The Midnight Ride of Herman Munster" (1964)
I'm glad they wrecked it, as the Munsters' other car was boring. (7/10)
d. Ezra Stone
The Munsters: "Sleeping Cutie" (1964)
Being forced to kiss a comatose coed laying on a slab in a dungeon is part of every oil company deal, I'm sure. (7/10)
d. Norman Abbott
The Munsters: "Family Portrait" (1964)
Goodbye, pretty, but unanimated Beverly Owen. (7/10)
d. Lawrence Dobkin
The Munsters: "Grandpa Leaves Home" (1964)
Hello, near-identical Pat Priest. (7/10)
d. Norman Abbott
04 October 2006
SWH: Week 2 (ten)

Better than any of the Myers sequels. (8/10)
d. Tommy Lee Wallace
Halloween 3 Extended Interviews (2003)
The Munsters: "Autumn Croakus" (1964)
What scandal, Herman and Lily not having TV-standard twin beds! (7/10)
d. Lawrence Dobkin
01 October 2006
SWH: Week 2 (nine)

Cloying music and too self-consciously humorous to be any good at all. (4/10)
d. Randa Haines
Tales from the Crypt: "Fitting Punishment" (1990)
Standard ghost-revenge tale. (6/10)
d. Jack Sholder
Fright and Sound: Bring the Crypt Experience to Radio (2005)
The Munsters: "Herman the Great" (1964)
Dracula watching Frankenstein professional wrestle is entertaining no matter how terrible the wrestling is. (7/10)
d. Earl Bellamy
The Munsters: "Knock Wood, Here Comes Charlie" (1964)
Modern times make you look at Charlie's uranium-making machine in different light. (6/10)
d. Lawrence Dobkin
30 September 2006
SWH: Week 2 (eight)

A kids' cartoon with zombies straight out of Heavy Metal. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Inhumanoids: "The Evil That Lies Within, Part 4" (1986)
Ronald Reagan probably wanted to give Tendril a medal. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Inhumanoids: "The Evil That Lies Within, Part 5" (1986)
Man, Auger needs to go into some counseling or something. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Watched with Chef Gregory Jay ~250 miles north of home base. Gave Jones Soda Spider Cider a try. Though it only tastes vaguely like apple cider, it was not bad. Another drinkable flavor. Chef declined to eat any of the orange-filled Halloween edition Oreos, revealing that he dislikes food with artificial coloring. I explained that the Dr Pepper he was drinking wasn't naturally brown. "Shaddup," was his good-natured reply. The next morning, he complained that the Inhumanoids theme song was stuck in his head all night. Probably was the food coloring.
29 September 2006
SWH: Week 2 (seven)

Not another killer doll story... waitaminute, this is frickin' hilarious. (8/10)
d. Richard Donner
Carnivàle: "Babylon" (trailer)
Guinea Pig 4: Mermaid in the Manhole (trailer)
Aqua Teen Hunger Force: "The Shaving" (2003)
Silent Hill (2006)
Very respectful of the excellent game series, though the long exposition scene was not the best way to present that information. (7/10)
d. Christophe Gans
Inhumanoids: "The Evil That Lies Within, Part 1" (1986)
Giant monsters smashing the hell out of San Francisco was something Saturday mornings needed. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Inhumanoids: "The Evil That Lies Within, Part 2" (1986)
The mantle is not liquid-hot magma, but, rather, huge diamonds. (7/10)
d. Ray Lee
Watched with Chef Gregory Jay ~250 miles north of home base shortly after smoking a Clint Eastwood-style cigar over a camp fire.
SWH: Week 2 (six)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (8/10)
d. Jim Mallon & B. Reeves Eason & Joseph Kane & Bernard L. Kowalski
The Munsters: "Tin Can Man" (1964)
I was just worried Eddie was going fall out of the back of the Koach; is there a seatbelt in that thing or what? (7/10)
d. Earl Bellamy
28 September 2006
SWH: Week 2 (five)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (8/10)
d. Jim Mallon & Tom Kennedy
Tales from the Crypt: "Four-Sided Triangle" (1990)
So, are all TftC episodes about adultery, or what? (6/10)
d. Tom Holland
Halloween II (1981)
Slides by on its predecessor's good will, but pretty inept by itself. (6/10)
d. Rick Rosenthal
Halloween 2 Extended Interviews (2003)
Halloween 2 Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Horror's Hallowed Grounds: Halloween (2005)
Fun stuff; I wish I got the Horror Channel. (8/10)
d. Andrew Kasch & Sean Clark
The Munsters: "Lo-Cal Munster" (1964)
Fred Gwynne didn't seem to be his usual, high-spirited self this week. (6/10)
d. Norman Abbott
27 September 2006
SWH: Week 1 (four)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (7/10)
d. Kevin Murphy & Tom Graeff
Halloween (Commentary by John Carpenter, Debra Hill & Jamie Lee Curtis) (1994)
John and Debra have plenty of interesting nuggets and there's rarely a spot of silence. (8/10)
d. John Carpenter
On Location: 25 Years Later (2003)
Halloween Panel Discussion at the H25 Convention (2003)
Halloween: Unmasked (1999)
OK for a brief documentary, but doesn't cover much beyond what was said in the commentary. (6/10)
d. Mark Cerulli
Halloween: A Cut Above the Rest (2003)
A little bit of new footage and info, but padded with far too many movie scenes. (7/10)
d. Steven Smith
25 September 2006
SWH: Week 1 (three)

[A Year on the Satellite of Love] (7/10)
d. Jim Mallon & Ray Kellogg
The Munsters: "A Walk on the Mild Side" (1964)
How did Eddie get changed back to normal size? (6/10)
d. Norman Abbott
The Munsters: "Rock-a-Bye Munster" (1964)
I remember as a kid watching Herman think the toy Frankenstein was his newborn baby and being extremely disturbed. (8/10)
d. Norman Abbott
Tales from the Crypt: "The Sacrifice" (1990)
Michael Ironside could read Stephen King's laundry list and be interesting, though the rest of the show ain't too special. (6/10)
d. Richard Greenberg
Tales from the Crypt: "For Cryin' Out Loud" (1990)
Yeah, I'd beg to be killed if Sam Kinison's voice was yelling in my ear all day, too. (7/10)
d. Jeffrey Price
The Munsters: "Pike's Pique" (1964)
Perfectly establishes Lily, Herman and Grandpa's personalities. (7/10)
d. Seymour Berns
24 September 2006
SWH: Week 1 (two)

The Curious Dr. Humpp (trailer)
Scanners: "Head Explosion"
Creepshow 2 (1987)
"Old Chief Wood'nhead" is poorly constructed, "The Hitchhiker" is average, but "The Raft" is one excellent piece of horror. (6/10)
d. Michael Gornick
Beware! Children at Play (trailer)
Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (trailer)
The Simpsons: "Treehouse of Horror 07-1: The Thing and I"
Masters of Horror: "Cigarette Burns" (2005)
I really wanted to be blown away, but the story isn't anything special and parts felt inauthentic. (6/10)
d. John Carpenter
Dead & Breakfast (trailer)
Vampire Wars: Battle for the Universe (trailer)
Killer Condom (1996)
Had its funny bits and was a pretty original idea for an AIDS metaphor, but drags on for far too long. (5/10)
d. Martin Walz
Tales from the Crypt: "The Thing from the Grave" (1990)
Again, you can see the ending coming thirteen miles away, but the zombie makeup was very nice. (6/10)
d. Fred Dekker
Tonight's proceedings were joined by C and fed by the unbeatable, though expensive, Pizza House. Pizza and french fries covered in bacon and cheddar cheese were enjoyed by all. Afterwards, the candy drawer was employed.
I taste-tested my first of the Jones Soda Halloween 2006 Limited Edition soft drinks. They released seven flavors this year. Four of them are in mini-cans and are flavors aimed at kids. Three of them are in glass bottles and seem to be for adults to mix with alcohol. I went for a glass bottle of Lemon Drop Dead Soda tonight. It's drinkable, unlike some flavors from last year. I would describe it as liquid lemon-flavored Pez.
Here's my watchin' box, decked out for Six Weeks of Halloween:
23 September 2006
SWH: Week 1 (one)

Good choices all around not to continue in color or with the boring Phoebe. (5/10)
d. Norman Abbott
The Munsters: "Munster Masquerade" (1964)
Probably a good choice for an introductory episode, but not that exciting. (6/10)
d. Lawrence Dobkin
The Munsters: "My Fair Munster" (1964)
Grandpa's love potion = classic Munster hijinx. (7/10)
d. David Alexander
Tales from the Crypt: "Three's a Crowd" (1990)
I knew what the ending would be immediately, but its extent got me to laugh in surprise. (7/10)
d. David Burton Morris
Six Weeks of Halloween: 2006
Six Weeks of Halloween
- 23 Sep-26 Sep: one - two - three - four
- 27 Sep-03 Oct: five - six - seven - eight - nine - ten
- 04 Oct-10 Oct: eleven - twelve - thirteen - fourteen - fifteen
- 11 Oct-17 Oct: sixteen - seventeen - eighteen - nineteen - twenty - twenty-one
- 18 Oct-24 Oct: twenty-two - twenty-three - twenty-four - twenty-five - twenty-six
- 25 Oct-31 Oct: twenty-seven - twenty-eight - twenty-nine - thirty - ---
I love Halloween. Falling in the heart of autumn, Halloween smells of harvest foods, shivers of cool days, and sounds of dry leaves rustling in the wind. Traditionally, it marked the point in the year when the veil separating our world from the spirit world was the thinnest. In modern American culture, this is the time of year during which everyone feels free to celebrate the horror genre. Little old ladies hang ghosts from their trees, children dress as bloody-fanged vampires, grocery stores stock plastic severed heads, and normally mundane sitcoms air quirky, spooky episodes.
As is obvious from my choices of chronocinethon subjects, horror is my favorite genre. I love that it gets its own holiday (eat it, sci-fi). In recent years, I've extended this horror holiday from one all-too brief day into a six-week celebration of movie and candy consumption. From the Autumnal Equinox to Samhain, I watch nothing but horror movies (with the exception of MST3K episodes this year).
For the 8th year in a row, I will be watching Halloween on October 31st. Outside of that, I don't have a set movie schedule. Friends and spouses will influence movie choices during their occasional participation. Things I may watch include:
- The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
- Amazing Stories: "Mummy Daddy"
- Blade series (3 movies)
- Friday the 13th Part ?? (on October 13th, of course)
- From Dusk Till Dawn series (3 movies)
- Halloween series (8 movies, 1 commentary, 35 documentaries)
- Jaws series (4 movies)
- Masters of Horror (11 episodes)
- The Munsters (70 episodes, 2 movies)
- Poltergeist series (3 movies)
- Puppet Master series (8 movies)
- Sleepaway Camp series (3 movies, footage from an unfinished 4th)
- Sleepy Hollow
- Tales from the Crypt (starting with 2.05: "Three's a Crowd")
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre series (6 movies)
- Zombi series (5 movies)
Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality.
But, there is -- unseen by most -- an underworld.
A place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...
But, there is -- unseen by most -- an underworld.
A place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit...
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